Monday, November 14, 2011

Massive Architecture On The Brain ~Mono Monday!

"Union's Majesty"

Oh what I wouldn't give for a decent fisheye lens, or ultra-wide angle right about now. Because when I think about photographing massive architecture like the powerful looking and massive Union Station in Toronto, I always want to include as much of it as possible. And it's hard to do with a modest, run-of
-the-mill wide angle. Even a Tilt-shift lens would have been doable.

But I gave it my best shot. Those other lenses will come in time.

The other obstacle in photographing this grand terminal is that it sits right up against the street... and I don't know about you but it's never fun being run over by hectic Toronto traffic while on a photowalk. Maybe that's just me.

As I worked on photographing Union Station, I decided if I couldn't use the actual size of the entire building to create a sense of power, then I would have to rely on wide lines, distorted perspective, and a sense of symmetry to convey the same feeling. The strong visual lines up and across engage our sense of space, allowing us to understand the possibility of a bigger picture. The perspective influences our perception of height, and we reason that it's towering over us, as opposed to in front of us. And symmetry seems to add weight to a photo. It worked in this case because the sculpture itself is symmetrical in shape and in it's placement on the grounds of the property. It's okay in this instance for the eye to continue returning to the center of the image, there is engaging subject matter there and makes sense.

Converted to a classic platinum B&W in Corel with some slight tweaking in curves and such, and I think I'm content with today's image.

But the minute I have a wider lens, you'll know. I won't be able to help myself. I'll always have architecture on the brain. 

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