Thursday, January 3, 2013

Where Have We Been...?

"Enter History"
Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto, Ontario

2013 has arrived. My first image of the year is of the interior entrance of the ROM. (To see it in full view just click on the image.) An entrance leading to history. Moving into the past. Backwards and yet not.

Christine, what are you trying to say?

I'm not a huge resolutions person, have never done well on change for the sake of having something to do. I make changes when a lesson teaches me something, when a choice reveals itself to be good for me, or when someone inspires me to reach for something I never thought to reach for before.

I know I strengthened my perspective and spacial skills this past year, my architectural portfolio grew, and I got to experience a taste of traveling again with my camera, allowing my soul and my passion to be reignited. I learned new things about my personal style, and what's been missing from my work flow. 

But I also know after reviewing the year that I would love to do some reportage work, I want to include people inside the broad spaces I photograph, and that I would like to do some  very dramatic portraits just for the heck of it...  and that I still need to understand things as simple as knowing my computer programs better.

By looking back, you can see where you still need to go in future. So I've been compiling some personal projects and some goals I need to strive for that the past year has shown me I've been missing, in my photography, and in life in general. Many of them can't help but overlap. If you're an artist, you understand what I mean by that.

Let's ask ourselves where we've been. It'll assist in showing us where we're going next if we let it.

Thanks for the Ramble! Happy 2013 to you all!


  1. Thank you Christine. Point taken~~!!! I think it was needed.

    1. Glad to have an impact Lori, I appreciate my readers so much!!!
