Thursday, June 16, 2011

A Bloggy Break ~ Exploration Thursday!

"Poetic Profusion"

Here I am in the middle of my biggest editing week so far. It's been good but it's been busy. And next week will be much of the same. I've realized that I appreciate being able to blog more so during my crazy weeks than any other time. Why? Because for a few moments I can do something completely different from my work editing (which I still find exciting don't get me wrong) and just interpret a more personal photo my way. It's my equivalent of getting up and stretching for a moment at the computer in the middle of the work day. Some of us head over to the water cooler, I head into my personal photo files and take a deep breath... ahhhhh.

So here's a peony shot I took last weekend on a much needed break. I played with this in Corel... made a few layers and got some different soft colors, perfect for this flower. I duplicated the original layer in full color and converted it to sepia. Added a contrasting adjustment layer to it so to make the creamy areas pop slightly. But then I played with it's opacity a bit to remove any shadowy tones that were too heavy for this shot. Some slight pink was starting to show through from the color version underneath.

I unlocked the original layer underneath, then when back to the sepia layer and with my eraser tool I began to reveal certain individual petals from underneath that had nice color and could make the overall image include some depth. This wasn't as time consuming as you may think, and again, it was nice to just play without the pressure to please anyone but myself.

I liked the final result immensely and it was just the break I needed. I hope to be able to show you a shot or two from one of my sessions next week so you can see what I've been so busy working on for the last two weeks, but until then I'll get my fill of peonies!

How do the rest of you photogers relax from photography work? Switch to personal projects? Hide the camera away and have movie marathons? Take the family for a hike? Whatever it is, it usually feels good no matter how much you love your job. Glad to know we're all the same!

Thanks for the ramble folks! Have a wonderful and blessed Thursday.


  1. Quitting photography for me was a release into the realm of freedom. I LOVED being a photographer because I love people but now I truly enjoy taking photos. I'm certainly not suggesting you quit! lol! But I agree that the personal subjects help in the area of relaxation. You're really photographing for yourself intimately and enjoying creation and your family that way. Perhaps my photography has taken somewhat of a technical down-turn but I don't mind anymore when there's so much emotion and enjoyment behind it now. One day, when I have a little more time, I will begin to study again and hone those skills a little more.

    Wow, that's more than I intended to write! Just a smidgen passionate lately :)

  2. I follow a blogger/photographer extrordinaire (David DuChemin) who would agree... when your chosen profession or passion begins to tie you down more than free you to be more, it's time to make changes... especially with something like the arts. There's a danger that it becomes less of a release and more of an obligation. Finding the balance can be difficult. I'm constantly trying to keep my work as personal as I can in a practical way, if that makes sense, lol... great comment! Appreciate your thoughts on this topic... well, on any topic :)
    P.S. I love your photography btw...
