Friday, June 17, 2011

Flowers for Dad ~ Floral Friday!

"Your One & Only"

Floral Friday is going to be a super busy day for me... so let's keep this short and sweet so I can hop on the train to Toronto and start this weekend! Whoo hoo! And on that note I'd like to dedicate this post to all the Dads out there for Father's Day! Yes, I know it's a flower image. Yes, I know it's pink. Yes, I know most dads would rather see an image of classic cars, hockey players, or their favorite golf course as the sun goes down whilst and at the same time the subject gets a hole in one... but you'll have to make do with this one. You're welcome!

I have had the privilege of having a wonderful and wacky father, a lovely father-in-law, and watching my husband be an awesome Dad to our two kids. Men who honor their families with everything they do, who are spiritual rocks you can count on, and who have worked to support all their family's endeavours with their whole hearts. Who could ask for more?

So to all the dads who cheer at soccer games in the rain, all the dads who've played chauffeur late in the night with a car full of giggling teens, all the dads that hand over the contents of their wallets for various and fully explainable reasons on a weekend and only complain a little about the volume of that "noise" they call music... this Sunday is YOUR day. If your dad has ever gone beyond the call of duty, or is someone you maybe haven't honored in a while for various reasons, nows the time. Cause you only have one dad.

Make this weekend count somehow folks, and dare I say honor him all year 'round and thanks for the ramble!


  1. Thanks said it all in that second paragraph. I am so proud to be a daughter and a wife. Happy father's day to all the dads out there.


  2. Awesome post Christine! True I would have picked something other than a flower, but I still like it.

    Have a great fathers day weekend with your family!

  3. Aw, you're welcome Lori! All the Dads certainly deserve it.

    LOL... thanks Dave! Hope you had a lovely special day dude!
