Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Idealistic ~ WideAngle Wednesday!

(1/320 sec.@ F/8, 18mm fl, ISO 160, 18-55mm kit lens, dusk light)

Southern Ontario is getting hammered with ice and snow as I type. Well, my part of Southern Ontario anyway. And I mean hammered. Horizontal blowing snow, freezing rain, gale force winds. Looking nothing like the idealistic image I've decided to post today so that for a few minutes I can look at this blog and enjoy even the remotest slice of denial. Blizzard? What blizzard?

This will be one of my last posts from my Bayfront Park trek. It might even be my favorite. It's fairly symmetrical for a landscape, soothingly composed, and peaceful with it's warm light and lack of busy scenery. For a moment I can forget pulling out the winter boots one last time (PLEASE let it be the last time) hoisting a shovel, and digging enough snow to cover three front yards 5 feet high. Well, almost.

It's wonderful when photographs can transport us. Take us to places and times that bring back wonderful memories, inspire us, or remind us there won't always be blizzards upsetting our routines. As a photographer that's my hope when I edit images. To me it's the most exciting part.

Tomorrow will be a guest post from my buddy Bob Grauer, so check in tomorrow for another great post and have a super day folks, in spite of the snow!


  1. I can see this framed on my wall! Very soothing and warm. We are having a bit of snow tonight as well. Not a blizzard as you are having, but some more snow. As a skier it just extends my season a bit more....


  2. Thank you Dave! A "bit" of snow would be heavenly compared to what we're still getting plastered with, lol. I am envious of anyone who can stay upright on a pair of skis btw... :-)

  3. Thank you Christine for putting that picture up. There is still hope that the sun will shine again, the warmth will return, and that awful white stuff will disappear, at least for a few months. I pray it doesn't last too long as I fear I will slip into a depression I won't emerge from for quite awhile. No, just an expression of disappointment. That last sentence shows my reluctance to accept the white stuff. Thanks again Christine for the lovely photo above.

  4. Even though I knew snow was forecast for today, I never anticipated a blizzard like we've had. I actually had plans for today but could't get out our driveway and it would have been a waste of time trying to dig out before tonight when the storm finally abated. My wonderful husband has just come in after clearing a way out for me in the morning. This picture Christine speaks volumes to me - that indeed we can shut out the stormy weather and imagine sitting under that tree enjoying the sun. Thanks for your wonderful postings. I don't always comment on them but I always look forward to visiting your blog and seeing your latest photographs. Blessings....

  5. Thanks Lori... glad I could lift your spirits with this image :-) And the sun came out today, so I can't complain tooo much, lol.

    Thank you muchly Renee. Am happy to hear from readers anytime :-) Soon the weather will allow us to do just that, go sit under a tree and winter (for a few months) will all be a memory!
