Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Fill the Frame ~ Telephoto Tuesday!

(1/80 sec.@ F/9, ISO 100, 62mm fl, 55-200mm telezoom, overcast diffused light)

Telephoto's are my favorite way to fill a frame with a subject. Naturally most people think telephoto and they automatically think distance photography. And obviously that's the main use. But my favorite subjects also look good through a telephoto, for a different reason.

As a tele lens brings everything closer, it compresses the percieved distance. This means I can not only get a closer view of the tulips at the Spring Bulb Show in Hamilton, but the lens allows me to get a very tight composition. Filling the frame with loads of color and giving wonderful depth of field even at an aperture of F/9. It ensures the main subject(s) still retains a ton of detail too. Makes for a very dramatic image. Puts the viewer right in the middle of the patch of tulips, as opposed to a more wide angle view, which would look more like the viewer standing before a patch of tulips, but certainly not in the midst. I actually wasn't too far away, and so the flowers look like they surround the lens, again thanks to the compression of the telephoto zoom I used.

It's one of my favorite tools to photograph flowers with. Have you tried it?
Thanks for letting me ramble on folks! And have a good one eh!

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