Thought I'd do a quick book review today. With a reminder that the author has no idea I am blogging about it, and I am not recieving anything from anyone for endorsing this book. I just really, really, really like it. Really.
I recieved this book as a gift from the hubby, knowing how much I have loved the other three books of duChemin's. And as usual it is infused with David's charm and great ways to approach your photography with the intention of having something to say with each image you make. In fact, if I was only allowed to describe in one word the theme of this book it'd be "intention"!
How you intend to draw the reader in. How you intend to convey those key parts of the scene. How you intend to tell the story you captured. Intention. This was the gauntlet thrown down to anyone who holds a camera.
How I wish this book had been written 5 years ago when I was first waffling through finding my own appraoch to photography. If you pair this book with David's earlier book "Within The Frame", you'll have the inspiring and challenging recipe for understanding just what makes an engaging image tick, and what needs to motivate the decision to take it in the first place.
If you're looking to take your photography more seriously, and are struggling with all the aspects of the various tools composition, and design, and intention have to offer... then I seriously recommend procurring this book.
Study what you love, practice it thoroughly. I'll leave you with my favorite quote from this book, which you can purchase at any bookstore or online here.
"Perhaps the steepest learning curve in photography is learning to see as the camera sees" - David duChemin "Photographically Speaking" 2011
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