Friday, September 2, 2011

Just Because!

I've decided not to do Floral Friday today. Just because. September has rolled in and soon the kids return to school all day. Work resumes at it's fastest pace. The summery days of setting a schedule full of nothing will be gone. We went for a wander through the Eramosa Trails the other day for one last lazy afternoon outing and these images pretty much sum up how wonderful it is to enjoy God's green earth and my family before the bustle starts once again. 

Obviously I took my camera.... just because you never know what you'll see worth photographing.

Just because you may discover how wide the blue blue sky is that day with bits of nature rising up to meet it.

And just because it's good to be able to freeze happy, contented, quiet moments like this. To have them to look back at when your son's gym clothes are missing, your daughter's trip money is suddenly due, your dog has dug up yet another dead squirrel, and after the washing machine has pooched out again in the middle of the load of school uniforms!
You know what I mean. So you can remember that life doesn't always look like a mangled episode of "Malcolm In The Middle..."

September's here. Brace yourselves. And keep the camera handy.
Thanks for the ramble!