Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Doors To the City ~ Wide Angle Wednesday!


Dug around in my older files yesterday. I am getting ready to do a few portfolio sorting exercises, which I'll share right here on the blog, pictures and all of the whole process. Should be soon. But for now I thought I'd post an oldie, taken a few years back that has always been a personal favorite.

I love exploring the city. You get glimpses of everything within even one hour of walking with the camera. This historical church sits literally up against the sidewalk of a busy downtown street. Makes it a challenge to photograph because of the power lines, street signs, stop lights, a bus terminal directly in front of it, traffic, and huge trees pressed up into it's many vantage points. But really, what's more significant than the doors into the building's main sanctuary? So I skipped getting the rest of the building that day and focused on getting a decent B&W of the door.

Shadows of tree branches stretching over the entrance gave it a bit of a mysterious feel so I was okay working with the light I had. If I were to go back today, I would wait till late evening when the entire thing is in much better shade, or get it at night with the lamp shining over the door. But for now, the older image speaks to me still.

Doors to the city. Hmmm... perhaps I'm sensing a theme. Another personal project? It's hardly original I know... but it'd be fun. And I love when photography is fun.

Thanks for the ramble friends! Have a good one! Make it fun! 

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