Friday, March 19, 2010
The Familiar Explored
Friday, March 5, 2010
Staying True
When I first began really putting my roots down in the photographic community, I was so green it wasn't funny. In fact, in a lot of areas I'm still pretty green... but I'm okay with that. Everything will come in good time. I started out being certain of three things though.
1) That composition was my strong suit. I had come from a background in fine art, and elements of design had been ingrained in me at a very early age.
2) That I loved the classics. B&W photography to this day moves me in ways that color, digital composites, and manipulated abstracts never will. Not that I don't admire many photographers that can blow me away with their Photoshop skills, and not that I don't shoot in color (cause I do, obviously).... it's just not the same for me as a dynamic B&W.
3) That I couldn't wait to show the world what my world looked like through the lens.
Over the last while though, I think I had come across and connected with so many different photographers, and styles, and opinions.... that it was being reflected in my work. And I began to realise that the only influence that wasn't found in any of my resulting images was me! Yes, learning, growing, and expanding skills are all great. But I was forgetting what MY photography looked like. And that no matter what, there are always going to be well meaning artists that would want me to keep tweaking every photo... just a little more.... and a little more...and...
The above photo may not be perfect (don't look too close eh, just trust me. It's not, lol) but from all my images in the past two months, it most accurately reflects THIS photographer. I almost didn't post it. Which is wrong, cause I love it. And you may not agree with all of it's qualities but I'm down with that. That's why I love photography in the first place!
Over the next while you'll see me referencing some of the greatest photographers of history, mainly because it's important to recognize who's images and styles you relate to... not just the latest editing trend (and some of them are SO cool... but again, they aren't quite for me). These will be people who left their mark, their style is very unique to them. Influences, and inspiration are great I think as long as it emphasizes who you already are! So hey, if digital darkroom is totally your thing, then go for it. If you only enjoy shooting with your iPhone, then do it! If you love, love, love film and refuse to switch over to digital, then that's who you are! And for the most part, stay true to it. Show everybody who you are.
Thanks for letting me ramble!
Have a good one!